The annual meeting of the European Union, Horizon 2020 project, took place in Athens, Greece on 18-20 October 2023. All WP leaders participated. Training activities and Workshops were held in parallel.

SAFFI WORKING GROUPS ACTIVITY: 3 working groups including the researchers of the 8 WPs of the SAFFI Project (the Safe Food For Infants funded Project of the EU Horizon 2020 program) met in Athens on October 19, 2023 to refine and better coordinate the interactions leading to the final period of the project. Over 30 researchers participated to the day session of the 3 working groups.

SAFFI TRAINING ACTIVITY: The training activity held by SAFFI in Athens was dedicated to students, MSc, PhD, post-docs and others interested TOPICS: ‘The application of Spectral Imaging in the Field of Food Science’ by Jens Michael Casrtensen, CEO Videometer, Denmark ‘All food processes have a residual risk, some are small, some very small and some are extremely small: zero risk does not exist’ by Marcel Zwietering, Wageningen University, The Netherlands ‘Meta-analysis used in food microbial food safety assessments’ by Sara Bover Cid, IRTA, Spain

SAFFI-KICK OFF MEETING (Webinar Meeting: 30th September to 2nd October 2020)
The partners of the Safe Food for Infant (SAFFI) met in a 3 days videoconference last 30th September to 2nd October 2020 to set the course for the activities of the program. The success of any project, including SAFFI, depends on the capability of the project members and its team leaders to communicate timely and effectively between and among the project teams involved and from inside toward outside the whole project consortium.
The meeting was used by partners to usefully interact and agree on an effective communication strategy in project management. The aim was to enhance their collective capability to effectively reach out the SAFFI’s stakeholders. Therefore, the first action was to test a careful planning and setting of the right expectations with all the players of the project. The face-to-face interaction among the members to establish the goals and team dynamics and discussing how to best address the users and ultimate target’s expectations was the important first official step of SAFFI. Initially planned to take place in presence in order to facilitate effective interactions among the project members and leaders, it was held from 30th September to 2nd October 2020 by Videoconference, in light of the 2020 covid-19 pandemic.
SAFFI Session Forum at the European International Congress of the 52 European Pediatric Societies (October 2021)

Year 2023
- [NOVEMBER 2023]
The 2nd symposium on “Safe Food For Infants” is held at the University of Izmir/Manisa on 20 November 2023. The progresses of SAFFI are discussed with an audience of 500 people made of academics, Students, Post-Docs, specialists in Nutrition and administrators in the sector of public health. - [OCTOBER 2023]
The principles, goals, activities and progresses of the SAFFI project were presented and discussed in 2 sessions dedicated to SAFFI at the Europediatrics International congress in Belgrade (Serbia) on 6 and 8 October 2023. The presidents of 25 national Pediatric societies representing their nations participated to the meeting, with an audience of 400 people made by healthcare professionals, public health administrators, Civil society representatives, consumers, and officers of food/drug companies. - [JULY 2023]
Safe Food For Infants: SAFFI Three seminal informative talks on Hazard Identification, Hazard Control and Hazard Detection were presented by investigators of the Horizon 2020 funded SAFFI (Safe Food For Infants) project at the International symposium on food safety held in Toronto, Canada, in July 16 2023 - [MAY 2023]
A team of SAFFI Investigators (Kah Yen Claire Yeak, Marcel Zwietering of the Wageningen University, Netherlands, Sara Bover-Cid of IRTA, Spain and Kalliopi Rantsiou, of the University of Turin, Italy) presented the results of their research in the Horizon 2020 SAFFI at the International meeting on Food Safety in Aberdeen (Scotland, 3-5 May 2023) - [MARCH 2023]
Annual Congress of the Pediatrics European Societes of Primary Care
Pediatrics (ECPCP), Members of EPA-UNEPSA – 200 Delegates participants
Location: Tel-Aviv, Israel – CONGRESS CENTER - [FEBRUARY 2023]
World Congress of Pediatrics (IPA) – 1,100 participants,
including members of the 50 European Pediatrics Societes
Location: Gandinagar, India CONGRESS CENTER
Year 2022
- [NOVEMBER 2022]
Annual congress of the Swiss “Association pour I’Activité
et la Recherche Scientifiques“ – 200 participants
Location: Geneva, Switzerland – CONGRESS CENTER - [OCTOBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition at the International Joint Mediterranean congress of Microbiology in Neonatology in Izmir (Turkey, 16-18 October)
- [OCTOBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition at the National Congress of the Turkish National Society of Pediatrics gathering the pediatricians of the 8 Turkish Speaking countries of the middle East (Cyprus 6-10 October 2022)
- [SEPTEMBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition at the National Congress of the Serbian Society of Pediatrics, gathering the pediatric Societies of the BALKANS in Belgrade (Serbia on 14-17 September)
- [SEPTEMBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition at the National Congress of the Romania Society of Pediatrics, (Bucharest on 21-24 September)
- [SEPTEMBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition at the 8th International congress of Nutrition (probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics) in Valencia (Spain on 14-17 September)
- [SEPTEMBER 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition the 10th congress of UENPS, the International congress of the Union of European Societies of Neonatology and Perinatology in Krakow (Poland on 2-4 September)
- [MAY 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition the 57th congress of Turkish Pediatric Association, gathering the pediatricians of the Turkish Speaking countries of the middle East (Cyprus on 22-26 May)
- [APRIL 2022]
EPA-UNEPSA was invited to disseminate the Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI in an international event held in the form of Webinar organized by the Swiss company "4U Pharma" and broadcasted from Basil, Switzerland. SAFFI was presented and debated with an audience of over 500 participants experts in infant nutrition (Switzerland, 9 April)
- [APRIL 2022]
EPA-UNEPSA has organized an international Weinar in collaboration with a network of Chinese Pediatric Hospitals, led by the Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital of the Shaanxi region in China. The EU Horizon 2020 project "Safe Food For Infants" was presented and its principles, mission and goals were discussed with the audience of over 3000 delegates connected from remote.
- [MARCH 2022]
The Principles, Mission and Goals of SAFFI were presented and debated with stakeholders and experts in infant nutrition the XIX International congress Russian Academy of Pediatrics, gathering the 200.000 members pediatricians working in the Russian Federation (Moscow on 5-6 March)
Year 2021
- [OCTOBER 2021]
A virtual zoom meeting was held with the presidents of the European Pediatric Societies and associations to inform and raise their awareness on the contents of SAFFI.
- [SEPTEMBER 2021]
International Conference on environmental contaminants. Seminar at the working group of endocrine disruptors of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society – Istanbul, Turkey (broadcasted)
- [APRIL 16 / 30; MAY 7 / 21 - 2021]
Cycle of 4 regional Educational seminars (in Webinar format) for healthcare professionals involved in child health with the topic of food safety organized by EPA in collaboration with the University of Foggia, It.
- [APRIL 2021]
ICMSF “LAS-ICMSF Webinar – “Update on food safety” () International Educational symposia in by Wageningen University: WEBINAR RECORDINGS in collaboration with the “Latin American Sub-Commission (LAS) of the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods. Sampling plans and justification for establishing microbiological criteria and the application in different products were discussed.
- [FEBRUARY 2021]
Foggia- Italy: Webinar "Safe food for infants”. General information about the importance of taking microbial and chemical hazard off of infants food. Description of SAFFI program and its importance for the development of an integrated system for monitoring food chain. Description of the development of programs and methods for an effective reduction of contaminants' risk .Presentation of the SAFFI Website.
- [JANUARY 2021]
Istanbul – Turkey: : Webinar "Safe food for infants”. General information about the importance of taking microbial and chemical hazard off of infants food. Description of SAFFI program and its importance for the development of an integrated system for monitoring food chain. Description of the development of programs and methods for an effective reduction of contaminants' risk .Presentation of the SAFFI Website.
Year 2020
- [NOVEMBER 2020]
National press conference campaign initiated by INRAE to illustrate recent research works dealing with sustainable and healthy food chains. General presentation of SAFFI project in Videoconference from France
- [NOVEMBER 2020]
Moscow – Russia: Webinar "Safe food for infants”. General information about the importance of taking microbial and chemical hazard off of infants food. Description of SAFFI program and its importance for the development of an integrated system for monitoring food chain. Description of the development of programs and methods for an effective reduction of contaminants' risk .Presentation of the SAFFI Website.
(Safe Food for Infants), a European
Union. Horizon 2020 project, took place in Clermont-Ferrand,
France, with the participation of all WP leaders and members of
the project.